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Messages - BlazingSword

Pages: [1]
FWO General Discussion / must change pasword..?
« on: December 10, 2007, 05:29:23 AM »
u guys check at or
it say that
Attention to All Players!! Please change your current password. Make sure the password is between 6 - 8 alphanumeric characters ( consist of numerical and alphabetical ) . Thank you

it is a must to change pasword..?
if it is can any1 telll me why must we change pasword..?

FWO General Discussion / Re: Forge Skill
« on: December 10, 2007, 05:20:53 AM »
 spaceturtl  i dun know it true or not
but my friend a saber and he forge 5 gudang comp
and all in.
duno it true that saber better forge
or he just good luck at forge weapon
he alredy forge many weapon with gudang comp and all comp in
maybe it luck only ???

FWO General Discussion / Re: Forge Skill
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:25:41 AM »
owh u dun dare try
ok u give me that MHS
i try forge it kekekekekek

FWO General Discussion / Re: Forge Skill
« on: December 06, 2007, 05:46:20 PM »
WTF RM500 u use it just to forge a weapon lol....
hei since u so rich how about u buy the moon set for me ekekekekke
what is u name in game
and what server u play..?

do u got forge skill 100 rank..?

FWO General Discussion / Re: MOON SET and PATRIOTIK SET EFFECT
« on: November 29, 2007, 05:49:23 PM »
what bounless set weapon can be forge...???
that rules dudes..if u can forge gudang comps in bounless weapon

FWO General Discussion / Re: MOON SET and PATRIOTIK SET EFFECT
« on: November 25, 2007, 12:56:35 AM »
huh..i think that boundless set effect is more super than patriotik

News / Re: Manual Patch
« on: November 25, 2007, 12:55:09 AM »
i was there when GM anounce the special thx for u it was friday

hei are u show off kekekekeke
joke only dun mad kekekeke

FWO General Discussion / Re: MOON SET and PATRIOTIK SET EFFECT
« on: November 21, 2007, 05:08:40 PM »
owh ic moon set only good at imum that why ppl wan it

that make patriotik set better than moon set
when i wear patriotik set my mind stat sudenly bcome 250/5
critical rate increase , avoid rate increase , super damage coming out
wow this set is super
but bounless sword set where to get now..?
gudang dun selll those again..?
now at gudang only got bounles fist set and the effect is wow much better

« on: November 20, 2007, 07:50:38 PM »
dudes..1.3 alredy here and set item alredy got effect
just wondering which of this 2 set is the best (moon & patriotik)
im using patriotik set nowand the effect is great big changes in my char
but some ppl say moon set is better than patriotik
and got some ppl wan to trade 1 set patriotik for a MA.
so what u guys think
have u guys try it..?

News / Re: 1.3 LP Quests
« on: November 17, 2007, 04:24:12 AM »
wow thx
this help a lot...
thx for sharing ;D

Pages: [1]